Twenty years from now i still believe that we will still remember it. When hundreds even thousands of American lives were lost. We probably will not remember it as good as we do today. But it will not be forgotten.
I think the terrorist chose America was that they thought we were weak and that a blow to the heart of us (the twin towers) would weaken us. But all they did was make us mad and stronger. They did not choose another country because they thought we were best fit for the job.
They were tons of people affected by this event. Not just the familys that lost there loved ones during the attack. But that this event started a war. And some of there loved ones went off to fight it. I know lots of people like that. They are all over the nation, probably in every town.
If i was to write a story about 9/11 it would be over a small child. Whose life took a tragic turn after this event. Because its not really this generation that would be affected the most. It would be the next.

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