As i regained conscientiousness, i remember asking my cousin where we were going. As we turned down the dark alley it started to rain on us. We were heading to the
VESTIBULE of the hotel were my mom worked. As we were walking we could see
HEADLIGHTS up ahead flicker on and off. We wondered what it was, or what was causing it.
As we got closer, the lights flickered on and off faster, and we noticed some voices. As we listened closely we could hear people talking and it sounded like someone was fighting. We came to the corner were everything was happening. We sat there and watched as some poor little kid was getting beat up by some high school bullies.
Finally my cousin steps out from be hide the corner and yelled, "Hey, you kids leave him alone." One of the bullies stopped and looked at him and said, "oh yeah, what you going to do about it. My cousin popped his knuckles like he always does before we get into a fight. Then my cousin asked him,"Boy are you
STUBBORN or are you just stupid?"
The i finally step out from behind the corner and says,"Do we have a problem here boys?" The bullies says,"Yeah." As he charges us with a bat in his hand. As he swings we dodge the bat and as i take the bat away from him, my cousin takes him to the ground. After we get him secured on the ground he starts to talk. He says,"It wasn't me, It wasn't me, my friends made me do it." I say,"don't
BLAME it on your friends." I walk over there and help the poor kid and i tell him,"your coming with us."
We slowly let the bullie up and we started to walk back down the ally to my moms work. We got about half way down the ally and we hear and engine start up. It it kept getting louder and louder. Then next thing you know my cousin says," get out of the way!" As he pulls the kid and himself out of harms way. And about the time i noticed what it was. The bullie ran me over in his pickup. And now I'm laying here on the ground waiting for the ambulance to get here. I can hear the faint sound of them in the distance. As i slowly drift back off into unconscientiousness.